I inadvertently clicked on PRO PACKAGE. How do I delete it?
Woodchuck, do not use a credit card. Find a way outta there, not sure how, there is a way, though, good luck!!
Do you teach lessons if someone can’t get to open play, but wants to get better?
Absolutely, text me and we'll go from there.
Hi Philly Phil,
Silly question, I probably know the answer.
A few of my cohorts are in the November 18 shootout and want me to play. It’s full and I know you’ve said it many times to just show up and maybe a spot might open up. I can do that and also keep looking if one opens up. If that happens, could you get me in? Thanks, Susan Chin 😁
Hi Susan 😎 Start looking a couple days before and they’ll be a spot, meanwhile, put yourself “out” on that day (now) and I’ll look for you as well. It’s easier to find your name there than have to go through 800+ names!
Hi everyone,
I hope you've had a great spring/summer and hopefully this fall keeps giving us weather like this week. Man, I wish we had some days in the summer like this, jeez. I'm looking forward to see how you all improved since I saw you last. I know many of you have been playing like it's your job. I see the signup sheets :))
Dana Barros Basketball Club (DBBC) will be opening again starting Tuesday, November 12 for Open Play (as will all Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays). Shootouts will begin on Wednesday, November 13th & will happen each Monday, Wednesday, & Friday until the last week in April. The hours of operation will be from 8:30am till noon, Monday thru Friday.
We will be using PlayerLineup again so please make sure you sign up, that way I"ll know how many courts will be needed. When you know 15-24 hours or more before that you can't make it, take off your name so others may have an opportunity to fill in your spot. I'll be setting up PlayerLineup soon. I believe you get an email when each event is listed.
The most common complaint last year was when players signed up in advance and forgot they signed up, or, got injured, went on vacation, and forgot to take themselves off. Many times there were players that wanted to play and there were no spots and by game time, players that had signed up, didn't show. We don't want that anymore.
I'm installing a 3 strike rule this year so we can avoid this. The first and second time I will give you a private warning and if it happens again, I'll remove your name from advanced dates. You'll then have to hope others drop so you can get in for the rest of the season. Again, it will be kept private, nobody gets thrown under the bus. Other clubs charge you for missing. I don't want to do that. I think this way would be very fair.
Punchcards will be $100 for 11 visits which is $9.09 each day for up to 3.5 hours of pickleball until December 1st. You can purchase up to 5 cards at one time, once. After December 1st, and for the rest of the season, the price will be $110 per card which breaks down to $10 per visit. Drop in fees will be $20 if you choose not to purchase a punchcard. All punchcards, new and old, are good for eternity. Put them in your will.
Two 6 week clinics for all levels will be held on Tuesdays, beginning January 7th until mid April. More details about the clinics will be sent out by the beginning of December.
We've added a 15th court, so now DBBC is @ full capacity. Not bad for our 3rd year!!! Let's have another great season. They've all been phenomenal so far, keep it up :)))
See you soon,
Why only 8 am to 12. No weekend afternoons
They have 5 gymnasiums where basketball is played from 8am-10pm each weekend and 3pm-10pm during the week.
Will a player get a strike if that player lets you know less than 15 hours in advance that he/she can't make it ?
PlayerLineup is up and ready to go for the season!!!
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